The Expansion of Offshore Drilling by Oil Companies
Newswise — In a bold move, oil companies are significantly ramping up their offshore drilling operations, reflecting a global surge in demand for energy. Despite the increasing push for renewable energy sources, the immediate reliance on traditional oil and gas remains strong, leading to expanded exploration and drilling activities in offshore locations.
This expansion is not without its environmental implications. The increase in offshore drilling has raised concerns among environmentalists and sustainability advocates, who warn of the potential risks to marine ecosystems and the broader environmental impact. These concerns are particularly poignant in light of recent environmental disasters associated with offshore drilling operations.
The impact of these activities extends far beyond the energy sector, influencing environmental policies, marine biodiversity, and the global commitment to sustainable practices.
Newswise Call for Expert Pitches and Research:
We invite environmental scientists, energy analysts, and sustainability experts to share their insights on the implications of increased offshore drilling by oil companies. Experts in environmental impact assessment, energy market dynamics, or sustainable development, please contribute your knowledge to help our audience navigate these complex issues. Share a statement by sending it to (email protected).
Newswise Research
Newswise Experts
Johan Liebens – University of West Florida
Department Chair
Expertise: Soil And Sediment PollutionEarth ScienceGeography Of Soils With LabSampling And Analysis In Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Soil Science With Lab
Dr. Johan Liebens studies soil and sediment pollution to characterize the origin, level, and spatial distribution of the pollution. His projects include examining the effects of high-intensity grazing on soil quality indicators and seeking ways to develop stream bank erosion prediction curves for Northwest Florida. Liebens is a professor at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. He has a Ph.D. in Geography from Michigan State University, a Master’s degree in Quaternary Geology, and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography, both from Free University Brussels, Belgium. A UWF faculty member since 1996, Liebens has received university-wide awards for his teaching (2000) and his research (2012). He has published findings on soil organic carbon stocks, debris flows, environmental forensics, and soil and sediment pollution. In his research, Liebens often uses GIS-based spatial analyses, surveying, and physical and chemical analyses of soil and sediment samples. He also is experienced in geomorphological and geological field mapping. Among the groups that have funded his work are the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. Articles by Liebens have appeared in Environmental Forensics, Environmental Geology, Environmental Practice, Geomorphology, Water Air and Soil Pollution, Soil and Sediment Contamination, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, and Soil Use and Management.
Kannan Ramaswamy – Thunderbird School of Global Management
William D. Hacker Chair of Management Strategy
Expertise: EnergyEnergy SecurityInternational DevelopmentInternational TradeRenewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentOil And GasOil And Gas ExplorationOil And Gas ProductionGlobal BusinessBusinessBusiness AdministrationFree TradeTradeFree Tr
Kannan Ramaswamy is the William D. Hacker Chair Professor of Management in global business at Thunderbird School of Global Management. He is world-renowned for his expertise in global strategy, emerging markets – including India and South Asia, the energy sector, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and global management. A native of India who is now a U.S. citizen, Ramaswamy has consulted for several U.S. and European multinationals. He is an award-winning executive educator whose teaching and research interests span emerging market multinationals, business groups and corporate diversification, mergers and acquisitions, privatization, and joint ventures. In addition to teaching in Thunderbird’s full-time programs, Ramaswamy teaches extensively in the school’s executive education programs. He has participated in programs with multinational companies, including American Express, EDS Corp. (now part of Hewlett-Packard Co.), Dow Chemical, General Motors, Mattel, Brasil Telecom, Delta Air Lines, Astellas Pharmaceutical (Japan), LG Electronics (Korea), Ericsson, Motorola, ExxonMobil, Baker Hughes, ONGC (India), Integra (Russia), and SK Corp. (Korea). Ramaswamy also directs several Thunderbird programs, including the Globalization: Merging Strategy with Action, which deals with global strategy issues, and the Advanced Management Program for Oil and Gas Industry Executives, which deals with contemporary issues in oil and gas.
Michael Noel – Texas Tech University
Expertise: EconomicsIndustrial OrganizationAntitrustEnergy EconomicsPricingEconomic StrategyOil And GasUkraineRussia
Noel specializes in competition economics and is best known for his work on dynamic price competition in the oil and gas industry. He pioneered the now large professional literature on price cycles and price volatility in gasoline markets and is internationally known as a leading competition expert in the industry. He is available to discuss the effects of the current situation on oil prices and inflation.